Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Note of Thanks and Support :

I would like to thank you all for your incredible supports throughout this course. It’s been a very, very, very long road, but we finally made it to the finish line. I would also like to wish you all best of luck in your careers professionals, working with young children, their families, and other professionals in the early childhood field endeavors. I hope god guides and bless you all in your future careers.J

Wilza Louis

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Enlisting and Providing Support

Wilza Louis

Well, it's almost time for my presentation and I'm excited to hear what my audiences thinks, their comments and how many if not all four parents I am going to convince to get their child screened for developmental delay. I love to hear people's feedback's so I'm ready.

I already have all my information and not sure whether I should make fliers, brochures or small books with pictures added. Can you guys please tell me what you all think?

I also would like to get some information on how I can convince my area director to make screening and assessment mandatory at the center for those children that are suspected to have developmental delays?

I have found this website you guys posted for module 4 discussion to be very helpful and insightful such as,,  and thank you all for sharing.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Personal Advocacy Journey

                                                                                                                                   Wilza Louis
A quote that you find inspirational regarding the role that advocacy can have in the lives of young children and their families:
I have many inspirational quotes regarding the role that advocacy can have in the lives of young children and their families but this one is one of favorite “Nothing you do for a child is ever wasted” by Garrison Keillor.
·         What inspires and excites you most about your advocacy plan and being an advocate?
The children I work with everyday inspire and excite me most about my advocacy plan and the opportunity to educate parents about the importance of screening and assessment.
·         What challenges and/or anxieties do you feel related to engaging in the advocacy efforts you have targeted?
Challenges and/ or anxieties I feel related to engaging in advocacy efforts I have target is trying to meet and take the views of the parents that are involve into consideration that are trying to understand their child needs.
·         What do you believe will be most effective in helping you overcome any challenging emotions you may be feeling with regard to presenting and implementing your Advocacy Action Plan?
The most effective in helping me overcome any challenging emotions I may be feeling with regard to presenting and implementing my Advocacy Action Plan is staying focus, have all information in task and continue working gaining positive results from the parents regarding their child's needs.
·         How can you encourage others in their advocacy efforts, and how can others encourage you?
The only thing I can say is advocacy is time consuming, but all worth it in making a difference in the children and their family lives. Others can encourage me by giving me tips on how to open parents mind about the importance of screening and assessment.

Sunday, January 8, 2012